Riverside Community Church is a Family of Friends and those friends come in all ages!

We love and welcome the youngest members of our family each and every Sunday. Each week we spend time in musical worship together before the children attend classes where they learn about the Gospel from Genesis to Revelation from caring and dedicated teachers.

Once each quarter though, the children ages Kindergarten to 5th Grade have the opportunity to sit in the entire church service and experience listening to the message alongside their parents. The church family is ALL IN the sanctuary together and is ALL IN for Christ as we worship and learn alongside one another.

This is such a beautiful picture of discipleship!

  • The children get to see what a sermon is like and feel more familiar with it before they graduate Sunday School
  • They get to see their parents and the rest of the congregation reading their Bible, praying and taking notes
  • The children are made to feel a part of the church family and not someone on the sidelines looking in
  • The church has an opportunity to build intergenerational relationships on those Sundays

When you join us on these Sundays (typically the 5th Sunday in a month) you can expect a few high fives and fist bumps from our younger family members, a Kids Connection moment during the service, children taking notes and coloring pictures related to the sermon to help further their understanding, and maybe even some Goldfish cracker sharing. Perhaps you'd like to bring some stickers or crayons to share with them!

We love that we can be reminded of the zeal, joy, and energy the youngest in the church have for life and take note to add some of that to our own life. And in turn the younger ones can see their parents and older friends faithfully attending church, attentively listening to God's word, and growing in their faith so that as time goes on, they learn to do the same. 

Verse - All In

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