March 25, 2007
Lives Worth Imitating
Speaker: Walt Barrett Series: Philippians Scripture: Philippians 2:17–30
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March 18, 2007
Picture Pleasing Him
Speaker: Walt Barrett Series: Philippians Scripture: Philippians 2:14–16
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March 11, 2007
Stay on the Path
Speaker: Walt Barrett Series: Philippians Scripture: Philippians 2:12–13
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Old Testament
- Genesis65
- Exodus2
- Leviticus
- Numbers1
- Deuteronomy2
- Joshua2
- Judges1
- Ruth6
- 1 Samuel1
- 2 Samuel2
- 1 Kings2
- 2 Kings2
- 1 Chronicles1
- 2 Chronicles
- Ezra1
- Nehemiah15
- Esther6
- Job1
- Psalms44
- Proverbs26
- Ecclesiastes1
- Song of Solomon1
- Isaiah6
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel19
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah1
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk3
- Zephaniah
- Haggai3
- Zechariah
- Malachi1
New Testament
- Matthew83
- Mark4
- Luke53
- John59
- Acts56
- Romans31
- 1 Corinthians26
- 2 Corinthians37
- Galatians11
- Ephesians39
- Philippians39
- Colossians19
- 1 Thessalonians10
- 2 Thessalonians4
- 1 Timothy2
- 2 Timothy3
- Titus1
- Philemon2
- Hebrews27
- James28
- 1 Peter36
- 2 Peter8
- 1 John24
- 2 John1
- 3 John5
- Jude1
- Revelation6
Primary Speakers
Dan Bohyer Pastor of Family Ministries
Dave C.
Paul Sommerfeld Lead Pastor
David Isaia
Todd Burrow
Guest Speakers
Dave Bohyer
Nathan Sommerfeld
- 1st Pentecost1
- Abortion1
- Admonishment2
- Adultery2
- Awe of God2
- Beauty (External vs Real)1
- Becoming Perfect2
- Belief4
- Betrayal2
- Bible Poetry1
- Biblical Cantent1
- Birthright2
- Blessing6
- Blindness1
- Bread of Life1
- Capital Punishment, Self-Defense, Just War2
- Change5
- Change from God3
- Character1
- Chosen People4
- Chosen?2
- Christ's Deity6
- Christ's Healing1
- Christ's Kingship1
- Christ's return1
- Christian Conflicts4
- Christian Humanity2
- Christian Living21
- Christian Maturity2
- Christian Ministries1
- Christian Works1
- Christianity7
- Christianity's Foundation 1
- Christmas19
- Church Life2
- Commitment 7
- Communication4
- Communion1
- Compassion4
- Completion2
- Conflict9
- Conflict Resolution1
- Consequences of SIN2
- Contentment2
- Conversion1
- Covenant1
- Creation5
- Crucifixion3
- Cultural values on abortion1
- Cultural Values on Death2
- Death2
- Deception3
- Depression1
- Desiring God1
- Discernment4
- Discipline6
- Discipling4
- Discouragement1
- Dissatisfaction1
- Doctrine2
- Easter11
- Easter Prophecy2
- Empathy1
- End Times14
- Environment1
- Eternity4
- Ethics1
- Evangelism1
- Evil1
- Experiential Wisdom1
- Faith15
- Faithfulness9
- Family Life5
- Fathehood1
- Favorite Verses1
- Fear2
- Fighting1
- Foolishness1
- Forgive Your Brother1
- Forgiveness4
- Freedom2
- Friendship3
- Fruits2
- Future History2
- Gender Identity1
- Genesis Recap1
- Gifts From God1
- Giving5
- Glory1
- God is in control7
- God Provide1
- God the Son2
- God's Attributes2
- God's Authority3
- God's Battle2
- God's Children1
- God's Faithfulness1
- God's Grace3
- God's Guidance5
- God's Healing1
- God's Holiness1
- God's Judgement5
- God's Love1
- God's Plan26
- God's Power3
- God's Protection5
- God's Truth2
- God's work in our Lives7
- Gods' Own Image5
- Good Friday8
- Gossip1
- Gratitude1
- Gray Areas1
- Great Command1
- Great Commision2
- Great Commission7
- Grief2
- Guidance1
- Hard Words1
- Hate1
- Healing2
- Heaven1
- Heavenly Reward(s)1
- His Image1
- History1
- Holiness1
- Holy Spirit3
- Hope4
- Human (Sinful) Nature1
- Human vs Godly Wisdom2
- Humbleness6
- Hypocrisy1
- Identity1
- Idolatry7
- Integrity1
- Introduction1
- Jealousy1
- Jesus as God1
- Jesus as Light1
- Jesus as Lord1
- Jesus' Call1
- Jesus' Sacrifice1
- Joy6
- Judgement2
- Laziness1
- Leadership2
- Leading5
- Legacy2
- Letters to the Church1
- Life in Crisis2
- Living In Christ3
- Living Water1
- Living Wisely2
- Logic of Christianity1
- Loneliness2
- Love10
- Lust1
- Marriage9
- Martyrdom2
- Mercy & Judgement2
- Ministry5
- Miracles1
- Mission16
- Missions1
- New Year2
- Obedience14
- Opposition1
- Ordinances1
- Original Sin1
- Original Sin Continued1
- Our Status3
- Our Transformation1
- Overcoming Evil1
- Parenting1
- Passover1
- Pastor1
- Peace1
- Persecution5
- Perseverance6
- Personal Evangelism1
- Perspective1
- Philemon1
- Politics3
- Power4
- Praise1
- Prayer17
- Progressive Sanctification2
- Prophecy11
- Providence1
- Psalms6
- Purity2
- Rapture1
- Rebirth1
- Reconciliation5
- Refiner's Fire1
- Reliability1
- Religion1
- Renewal1
- Representing God2
- Resolution3
- Responsibility1
- Restoration1
- Resurrection2
- Resurrection Power1
- Revival3
- Righteous Living8
- Ruth1
- Sacrifice7
- Salvation7
- Satisfaction1
- Saving Grace1
- Saving Words1
- Second Coming1
- Security1
- Self Control1
- Serving Others9
- Sex4
- Sexual Purity's Reward3
- Sharing1
- Silence1
- Sin2
- Sinful Living1
- Singleness1
- Spiritual Gifts1
- Spiritual Growth1
- Spiritual Power1
- Spiritual Rights1
- Stewardship1
- Submission2
- Suffering6
- Temptation2
- Thankfulness1
- The Betrayal1
- The Bible1
- The Church4
- The Conquest1
- The Exile1
- The Exodus1
- The Flood3
- The Gospel2
- The Judges1
- The Kings1
- The Law1
- The Midle Years1
- The Reality of God1
- The Ressurection4
- The Return1
- The Search for God1
- The Trial2
- The Trinity3
- The Word Of God1
- Traansformation1
- Trials5
- Trusting God2
- Truth5
- Turn the other Cheek1
- Ultimate Love1
- Uncertainty1
- Understanding Christ2
- Unity2
- Vengeance1
- Vigilance1
- Wealth1
- Who is God2
- Who, How, Why do We Follow?1
- Why God Chooses Us1
- Wisdom1
- Wisdom vs Knowledge4
- Witnessing7
- Word Choices1
- Work3
- Working Together2
- Worldly Desires1
- Worship3