Bible Studies

Page - Bible Studies

~ These are the latest preliminary details ~

- Studies -

÷ Flourish Bible Study - Beginning Sept 12, we’re diving into Hebrews. Cost is $25. Some of our most profound and challenging memory verses come from the book of Hebrews, which solidly proclaims that Jesus is better than ___ (fill in the blank)! Thursday mornings, 9-11am at RCC. Led by Debra Sommerfeld and Cathy Morrow.

÷ Impact Bible Study - The study of the book of Deuteronomy begins January 6.  Cost is $40. In addition, we'll continue to learn the themes of each OT book and the OT timeline. 

÷ MACHO Men's Bible Study - Be Amazed - Prepare to be awed by our God. The books of Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Malachi are viewed by Biblical scholars as the Minor Prophets, and yet the insights and messages contained within these books are anything but minor. These prophets offer a unique, firsthand view of an all-powerful God who longs to intimately connect with His people. This study examines their personal stories to discover how He interacts with our world in truly amazing ways. Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe's best-selling "BE" commentary series.

÷ Men of Acts Recalibrate - Be Satisfied - The book of Ecclesiastes tackles one of life's biggest questions: What is the meaning of life? Commonly considered the work of King Solomon, Ecclesiastes is a rich collection of profound insights that are at once poetic, philosophical, and practical. This Bible study of Ecclesiastes, Be Satisfied: Looking for the Answer to the Meaning of Life, examines the big ideas in the book, explains challenging concepts, and shares how we can be truly satisfied.

÷ Kingdom Leaders Discipleship - A discipleship program for men focused on leadership, with leadership defined as being men of faithfulness and influence in our families, church, and society. Meets Saturdays 7:00-8:30am September-April, except Recalibrate Saturdays.

÷ Home Bible Study Fellowships - RCC began as a home Bible study and we greatly value this format of studying Scripture, fellowshipping, and praying together in a home. This fall our home groups will be working through the Encore study. Contact Barb Wilson for the group that would work for you.

 ÷ Parenting - In this ever-changing culture, the principles of parenting found in God’s Word remain timeless. This class provides very practical instruction in applying God’s wisdom in living out the Gospel in parenting your children. It’s 18 weeks that can impact your family for a lifetime.  Begins Sept 27, Fridays, 7-9pm. Led by Pastor Paul & Debra, please speak with them directly if you are interested.

÷ Young Adults - Exciting times! This year we will be gathering for a mix of fun, fellowship, and discussion. Watch for announcements as events come up! 

÷ Fusion - Inspiring students to build Christ-centered friendships standing on the word of God! For 7-12th grade students. Sunday nights, 6:00-8:00pm with games, study, and discussion. Contact Pastor Dan to join us!

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- Fellowship Opportunities -

 ÷ SonShine Ministry Ladies – We strive to shine the light of Christ by ministering to those experiencing life struggles, both in the church and the community. We make and gift prayer shawls, crochet-edged blankets, and crocheted infant “lovies.” We also have a birthday card ministry for the youth of our church families. As we create these handmade items, we develop a sisterly bond through prayer and connection. Join us the second Sunday of each month from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the home of Peggy Tierney beginning Sept. 8.

÷ Ladies Crafting Events - We believe that crafting is much more enjoyable in the fellowship of other women, so please join us here at RCC for our 2-day Crafting Events. We generally meet in the multipurpose room where tables and chairs are provided. You may attend both days, or just for a few hours! Bring your own crafting supplies and tools. Any and all crafts are welcome--scrapbooking, card making, jewelry making, painting, crocheting, knitting, sewing, quilting, diamond dots, etc. Hosted by Cathy Morrow and Patty Lietza. 

÷ Riverside Riders - This co-ed motorcycle club is dedicated to Jesus. They meet for rides June through August going into surrounding communities to share Christ by word and deed. They can also be counted on to serve in the community and within the church body all year round. For more information, contact Jim Burnett or John Hallberg. 

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Register:  Contact the church office at Specify the Bible study or group you are interested in and give any other helpful information to have the office direct your email to the group leader.