
- Men of ACTS -
Acting and Conforming to the Teachings of Scripture

…building up the church, the body of Christ, to a position of strength and maturity” Ephesians 4:12 (Living Bible).

Men who are physically fit know that in order to build muscle they must first break down muscle through the discipline of exercise to the point of fatigue. This is not unlike the path to spiritual fitness. It takes commitment and effort to grow.

Here at Riverside we desire to see men of faith intentional about their decision to follow Christ. Spiritual growth is in many ways very practical. Character is shaped by the habits we develop. It is also true that growth takes time – it is a process - and therefore we exercise diligent patience as God works in us to conform us to the image of Christ.  

List of Men's Bible Studies

We meet to pray for our church family and leadership.  Join us at one of the prayer gatherings as listed on the front page. Watch the calendar for men's gatherings for fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth.  Invite your friends and coworkers!

Verse - Men