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Prayer requests and Prayer Alert notifications are to pray for the needs of the current members of our local church body and their immediate family.
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Prayer is our life-line to God.
In prayer we express praise of our Lord, we confess our sins, we express our thankfulness, and we make requests of Him. It’s not a memorized, ritualized formula. It’s heart-to-heart, thoughtful communication with God.
Although the Lord God Almighty is overwhelmingly awesome, He delights to have us bring the biggest and smallest details of our life to Him. He can handle them all. A specific request leads to a specific answer, which leads to a specific praise of the true God! When that happens, due to more than one person joining in prayer, God’s power is shown gloriously!
Spontaneous prayer happens regularly within our church, but we also have dedicated prayer gatherings at different times.
Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the conference room.