Jesus Christ is the head of His church.
But the Scriptures also make clear that a local church is to be led by a group of individuals, called elders, who are gifted and called by Him to serve. The guiding principle of leadership for the church is servant leadership. Church members are to honor, support and pray for their spiritual leaders.
The governing authority of Riverside Community Church rests with a group of biblically qualified men called elders. The elders are chosen to serve in submission to Christ and the Word. The pastors also serve as elders, and collectively they are responsible for the oversight and the spiritual care of the church. (See the church constitution for more information.)
The elders are the shepherds of the flock and provide leadership through teaching, worship, pastoral care, stimulating prayer and outreach, administering discipline, resolving disputes, stimulating vision and encouraging believers to serve in areas of their giftedness. The elders also provide oversight of the pastoral staff.
The elders typically meet twice a month, more often as needed. Each of them is available to anyone within the congregation for counsel, prayer, a listening ear, etc. Please feel free to contact any of them at any time.
Brad Scull
Meet Brad:
1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I am from right here in IL, and I became a believer to the extent I could understand at the dinner table at 5 years old.
2. What is a favorite book (besides the Bible)?
Unto The Hills devotional by Billy Graham
3. What do you like about Riverside?
First, it has always been a place where I can be real, faults and all. Second, a place where others pour into and love my kids.
Dave Bohyer
Meet Dave:
1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I am from Lima, Ohio and came to Christ while a college student at Ohio State many years ago, through the ministry of Billy Graham.
2. What is a favorite movie or book (besides the Bible)?
A favorite movie is Field of Dreams. Favorite book is George Muller of Bristol by A.T Pierson.
3. What do you like about Riverside?
What we like about Riverside is a sense of the presence and power of God, as seen in a gracious and loving church family.
Jim Allen
Meet Jim:
1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I grew up in Kingston, IL in the middle of a cornfield with the closet neighbor being a half a mile away. I currently live in South Elgin. I came to Christ in the year 2000 on July 24th.
2. What is a favorite movie?
My favorite movie is On Golden Pond - - This may hurt my Macho Man image! [Webmaster's note: Macho Men is the men's ministry - Men After Christ's Heart Only.]
3. What do you like about Riverside?
I like the Bible based teaching, and ALL the people!
Stephen Kaufman
Meet Stephen:
1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I am from Montgomery, Alabama, and I came to know Christ on a Saturday evening at age 21.
2. What is a favorite book of the Bible?
James – I like the length – you can read the whole thing in one sitting. It very, very practical and encouraging, and helps me understand how to live my life as a Christian.
What is a favorite activity?
Recreationally, I like to golf. I love the outdoors. It's relaxing; you are always learning and you can have great long conversations with people without it all being too self-aware. It teaches patience and HUMILITY!
3. What do you like about Riverside?
I think the people are quietly faithful and steady. There is a current of mutual friendship, even if you don’t know the person. I love the inclusion of little ones in the things we do.