
Deacons serve as “ministers of help and compassion.”

Deacons assist the elders by taking delegated leadership in certain practical, logistical, and administrative areas. In this way, the various ministries of the church can be better served and the elders will be better able to focus on their primary responsibility of the spiritual leadership of the church family. 

Kelly Jaros

Deacon Coordinator


Meet Kelly:

1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I grew up in New Bedford, MA, but I lived in Florida 8 years before moving here in 2013. I came to know Christ in Florida in 2008.

2. What is your favorite book (other than the Bible)? Favorite food?
Book:  The Great Gatsby - it's just one of those books I could read over and over again. I actually like that it doesn't have a happy ending. It shows the fleeting nature of the riches of this world.
Food:  EASY - pizza because you know - it's pizza! I try not to eat it often though as it isn't the best food for you.

3. What do you like about Riverside?
I love the sense of community at Riverside. People here really care about one another.

Randy & Paula Matheny

Assimilation Ministry

Deacon - Matheny IMG_7768E

Barb Wilson

Adult Ministries


Meet Barb:

1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I grew up in Ohio and was raised in Christian home. I came to Christ at a young age.

2. What is your favorite activity?
My favorite activity is teaching the Word of God because of the truth, hope, purpose, joy and person of Jesus I can share.

3. What do you like about Riverside?
I am so grateful to God for Riverside because of the biblical teaching, the hearts and wisdom of the elders, and the warmth and love of the people.

John Hallberg

Building and Property Ministry

Deacon Hallberg IMG_5415.JPG

Meet John:

1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I grew up in Wheaton, IL and was raised in a Christian family.  I came to know Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at the age of 13.

2. What is a favorite activity?
My favorite activity is riding my Honda Goldwing motorcycle with my dear wife Caren.

3. What do you like about Riverside?
What I love about Riverside is that the Word of God is faithfully and truthfully preached and is made up of a family of believers that love God and one another.

Mark Wilson

Finance Ministry

Deacon - Mark IMG_5964 (3)

Meet Mark:

1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I am from Amherst, OH and was saved during an evangelistic crusade near our hometown.

2. What is a favorite book?
Les Miserables

3. What do you like about Riverside?
The many Christian followers seeking to grow in their faith and the many serving opportunities.

Maureen Hughes-Phillips

Helps Ministry

Deacon - Maureen IMG_7770E

1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I was raised in St. Charles in a Catholic family. I came to know Christ as my Savior and Lord in my mid-20's.

2. What are favorite activities?
My favorite activity is spending time in my sewing room, making quilts, and listening to historical fiction.

3. What do you like about Riverside?
Riverside is an intergenerational church where Biblical teaching, growing relationships, and caring for one another are important.

Ryan Jaros

Mission and Outreach Ministry

Deacon - Ryan IMG_5966 (1)

Meet Ryan:

1. Where are you from and when did you come to know Christ?
I was born and raised in Downers Grove, IL. I came to know Christ at Lake Geneva Youth Camp during the early middle school years.

2. What is a favorite food?
My favorite food is a great, 'sweet home' Chicago, Italian beef sandwich.

3. What do you like about Riverside?
I love the solid, expositional, Bible teaching that takes place week-in, week-out by pastors of integrity who are above reproach.


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